The CDH journey often doesn’t end with discharge. These resources may help you process your NICU experience, connect with other CDH families, and include our favorite tools to support your warrior’s feeding, tubie and/or trach journeys.
The CDH Foundation
Fill out their INTAKE form to learn about the many ways they provide support after discharge. Under “Events” you can also find information to join support groups, and they have financial grants available for ALL stages of CDH — those facing loss, re-hospitalization after discharge, as well as newly-diagnosed families.
Solid Starts
“Everything you need to know about babies starting solids, including baby feeding schedules, cup drinking, safety, sodium, baby-led weaning and more.” Created by a team of speech/feeding therapists, nutritionists and pediatricians.
Thrive by Spectrum Pediatrics
“Helping kids find joy in food and peace at family mealtimes. Our team of professional therapists and medical experts have developed evidence-based feeding, tube-weaning, and family mealtime coaching strategies designed to meet every child’s specific needs.”
Tube to Table Podcast
“We will dive into the basics of tube weaning to help unravel the conflicting information families get from doctors, therapists, friends, and family. We will share practical tips and provide real world expert advice so that parents can help their little ones start their journey from feeding tube to family table.”